Calendar Magic - Full year and monthly calendars for 26 different calendar systems. Alternative planning calendars. A month-by-month, side-by-side comparison of any two of the calendar systems. The display remains synchronized as you change day, month and year values in either calendar system being viewed. Date conversions among the supported calendar systems. British regnal date conversion. Lists of Western Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Buddhist, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindu, Islamic, Baha'i and Sikh festivals. "Observed Days" for any year from 1990 for around 230 countries worldwide. "Date Detective" command button to tabulate the weekday on which a specified Gregorian date d/m occurs for each of the years in the specified range y1 to y2. The ability to create, display, update and delete reminders for events (birthdays, anniversaries, meetings etc.). A Quick Notes facility. Alarm clock and stopwatch facilities. A time calculator for performing arithmetic with times. "This is your life" information including day-of-the-week on which you were born, number of days you have lived etc. Number of days between any two dates in the Gregorian calendar. Calculation of the date n days, weeks, months or years before or after a specified Gregorian date, where n is a whole number. Special Julian to Gregorian change-over calendars for various countries. Solar and lunar astronomical data. Distances between any two of 18000 locations across the world. Current local time and date in any of these 18000 locations.